“Standard” folder system

“Standard” folder system#

From here.

  • src/: “source” files to build and develop the project. This is where the original source files are located, before being compiled into fewer files to dist/, public/ or build/.

  • dist/: “distribution”, the compiled code/library, also named public/ or build/. The files meant for production or public use are usually located here.

  • assets/: static content like images, video, audio, fonts etc.

  • lib/: external dependencies (when included directly).

  • test/: the project’s tests scripts, mocks, etc.

  • node_modules/: includes libraries and dependencies for JS packages, used by Npm.

  • vendor/: includes libraries and dependencies for PHP packages, used by Composer.

  • bin/: files that get added to your PATH when installed.

The folders used often are src/, dist/, assets/ and bin/.